Control Statement in PHP | If | If else | If else If with Examples

Hello Friend how are you i hope you all are doing well. Today in this post we will learn about control statements like what is if statement , what is if else statement , what is if else if statement and nested if with examples. If you want to learn PHP in very simple easy way then this post will help you definitely.

Let's Start

1. If Statement

It is used to test the condition and the result is based on the condition.
If the condition is true its body will execute otherwise does not execute.

if($x < 10)
//this part will execute if the condition is true
echo "x is less than 10<br>";
echo "The value of x is $x";
x is less than 10
The value of x is 2

Program: Show Result according to percent

if($marks >= 60)
//this part will execute if percent is greater than  or equal to 60
echo "First division<br>";
if($marks < 60 && $marks >= 45)
//this part will execute if percent is between 59 and 45
echo "Second division<br>";
if($marks<45 && $marks>=33)
//this part will execute if percent is between 44 and
echo "Third division<br>";
//this part will execute if percent is less than  33
echo "Sorry!! You are Fail!!<br>";
Second division

2. If else Statement

It is used to test the condition and gives the output in both situation either condition true or false.
If the condition is true body of if will execute otherwise body of else execute.

//Variable definition
 echo "$x is greater than 5";
echo "$x is less than 5";
10 is greater than 5

Program 1:Voting Program

//Variable definition
 echo "You are eligible for voting";
echo "You are not eligible for voting";
You are eligible for voting

Program 2:Login Program

//click event
//passing username textbox value to variable $un
//passing password textbox value to variable $pwd
if($un=="" && $pwd=="1234")
 echo "Login success";
echo "Login failed";
<form  method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<table border="0" width="15%" cellpadding="5px" style="border:2px solid red">
<tr><td>Username</td><td><input type="text" name="u" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password</td><td><input type="password" name="p" /></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="btn" value="Login" /></td></tr>

3. If else if Statement (if else ladder)

It is used to test the condition.
If executes only one condition at a time.
The condition which is true first from the top will execute.

//Variable definition
//condtion false
 echo "Hello1";
//condition true
else if($x>5)
echo "Hello2";
//condition true
else if($x<15)
echo "Hello3";
echo "Hello4";

Program: Show result according to percent

//this part will execute if percent is greater than  or equal to 60
echo "First division<br>";
else if($marks>=45)
//this part will execute if percent is between 59 and 45
echo "Second division<br>";
else if($marks>=33)
//this part will execute if percent is between 44 and
echo "Third division<br>";
//this part will execute if percent is less than  33
echo "Sorry!! You are Fail!!<br>";
Second division

4. Nested If Statement

It is used to test the condition.
One if inside another if is called nested if.
Example 1:

//variable definition
//true condition	
  //false condition
  echo "Hello1<br>";
  echo "Hello2";

Example 2:
//variable definition
//true condition	
  //true condition
  echo "Hello1<br>";
  echo "Hello2";

Example 3:
//variable definition
//false condition	
  //true condition
  echo "Hello1<br>";
  echo "Hello2";
 no output because first condition(outside if)  is false

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